My name is Shannondoah Buckley and I am of Cherokee descent as well as Irish, Scottish, French and Scandinavian ancestries.
I Am totally “Mixed”.
Mixed Ethnicities
Mixed Ancestries
Mixed Lineages
Mixed Religions
Mixed Cultures
Mixed Heritages
Mixed Traditions
I Identify as a Woman of North American Indigenous Ancestry, I am Indian.
I am also wildly Irish, second generation emigrated from County Cork, of Rebel Freedom Fighter blood.
I honor All My Ancestors and I Give Thanks for the Blessings and for the Challenges of this life.
I am a Momma, an Artist, a Writer, and a Gardener. As well as an Energy Medicine Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, Crystal Medicine Practitioner, Channel and Shamanistic Healer.
I’m a full time homeschooling Momma who also works from home. I’m continually choosing to decolonize myself, my family, and my lifestyle daily.
Much of my Art is Socio-Political which addresses Identity Issues, Experiences, and Social Constructs. I consider my Socio-Political Art to be ArtActivism as my art work explores and questions concepts of Identity, Culture, Social Constructions of Race, Religion, Class and Age. My perspective is Feminist, Contemporary, and “Fierce”.
I believe in Indigenous Unity Now and the Reconciliation, Resolution, and Reconnection within and with All Indigenous Communities around the world. I choose to live in Peace and Solidarity with Mother Earth and All Our Relations. My Prayers are for the Holy Wholistic Healing of this planet and all who call it home.
As well as Socio-Political art, I also make art that addresses various Eco-Political issues such as Climate Change and Urban Expansion. I draw and paint plants and animals that have been affected by Colonization; some extinct and others endangered.
I write Rumi inspired Poetry that explores the experiences of Divine Love in All its Forms. My Poetry channels the Divine Love experienced by All Our Relations. I believe that Love Heals All, and Love can Save and Heal this planet.
I am an organic gardener who is continually learning and practicing organic gardening, landscaping, medicinal gardening, small farming, SeedKeeping, permaculture, sustainability and herbalism.
I am learning everyday to be my best and to ‘walk my talk, rather that talk about my walk’. I’m focused on decolonizing myself; my body mind and soul, as much as possible, one day at a time.
I’m a work in progress.
I am stepping up as a Woman, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Aunty, and Friend and doing my very Best, to be my Best, for myself + As Well As+ All My Relations, All Our Relations.
I look at each New Day as an Opportunity to Grow, Learn, Transform and Evolve.
My Spirituality is my Identity; it is my life story.
Who Am I?
I’m someone who never fit in to ‘the box’, or fit any label, in any way.
I’m someone who was gifted a Multicultural name and a Multicultural family lineage of North American Indigenous, Irish and European ancestry.
I’m someone who didn’t grow up Catholic or Protestant or in any other religion for that matter. My Mother was a Flight Attendant, not a hippie.
Growing up in a small Eastern Long Island town with an Indian name and “no religion” was a unique experience.
I’m someone who stayed Strong. I’m a Survivor and now I’m a Thriver.
I believe in Love, and the Power of Love to Heal oneself, and one another;
All Our Relations.
I believe in the Radical Power of Love to Heal All.
I beleive the Most Radical Political Act one can do or be is to Be Loving, is to Be Love.
And Love does not mean saying Yes all the time...Sometimes Love is at its’ most Powerful when saying “No”.
I say Yes to Love every time.
I say Yes to Love in All Ways, Always.
My Allies are Forgiveness, Faith, Trust and Patience.
My Spiritual Teachers and Practices are varied, and are Multicultural, inspired by my life’s experiences. At a young age I was drawn to study Theology, Sociology, Anthropology, Art History and Indigenous Art History which led me to study and learn about various Indigenous Cultures and Spiritualities from around the world, as well as my own North American Indigenous and Celtic Ancestries.
My Greatest Spiritual Teachers are of Spirit and are of Divine Love.
My Greatest Spiritual Guidance comes from Spirit and comes from Within my Holy Whole Self, my Soul’s Heart Center where Everything is Blessed and Birthed and Transformed continually within the Womb of Great Mystery, of the Great Spirit within.
May We Rise Together
Stronger As One
May We Be Reminders That
We Are Still Here
May We Walk In Beauty
Shining Love
May We Light Up
the darkness
With Each Breath
May We Honor Our Ancestors
With Each Step
Releasing All That
Does Not Serve Us
Each and Every Day
May We Love Each Other
Giving Thanks to
All Our Relations
Always, In All Ways
With Love and Respect,
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