Thursday, December 20, 2018

39 Weeks

39 Weeks 
Digital Photography Series

I photographed this series called '39 Weeks' one week away from my pregnancy due date. There was no makeup, no retouching (as usual, I like to get what I want in-camera as opposed to post production) utilizing natural morning light. My pregnancy was a beautiful and wild surprise, and was quite the journey. I was diagnosed with "hyperemisis gravidarim" at about 9 weeks. Which means I experienced what felt like that worst hangover of my life, every day for 4 months then continuous nausea for the remaining 5 months. Two trips to the emergency room in which I had to have IV fluids right away to rehydrate my body, as I couldn't even hold water down. I thought I was dying several times, and was totally shocked each time the doctors and nurses said that the baby and I were totally healthy. I've never felt such Joy and complete anguish, at the same time. I swore to myself that I would take self portraits at least once, during my pregnancy, however I endured so many physical challenges it almost never happened. There I was, 39 weeks, and one sunny summer morning where the light was angelic. I had gained a lot of weight since I discovered carbs were my only remedy. I typically practiced (and practice) a whole food vegetarian natural health diet, however, quickly went for the scones, muffins, and mango nectar to survive. All my romantic, spiritual, natural pregnancy dreams pre-baby belly were reconciled with quite abruptly. Thank Goddess for my Spirituality, as I vow that Prayers, Affirmations, Aromatherapy, and Crystal therapy were what kept me alive. One sunny morning, I felt pretty good, and the light was exquisite, so I waddled to get my tri-pod, camera, and remote release and seized the moment. I focused on all the Love in my Heart and started photographing. I seriously had the thought I might not survive the birth, so I better take these photos now. All along both baby and I kept getting great health reports and a natural pregnancy was predicted. However, many days felt like my last. I successfully naturally birthed my daughter Aspen 4 days after her due date, 11hours labor and 20 minutes pushing! When the nurses said push, I was seriously ready. Aspen is now 4 years old and a healthy miracle in every way. She's bright, strong and full of Love. We nursed for 18 months and co-slept for 3 years, naturally graduating each developmental step. Motherhood is the wildest experience I've ever had, and I've had quite a few!! I Give Thanks each and every day for her gifting me with Motherhood and this totally transformative experience. The most important lesson I've learned is the Infinite Healing Power of Unconditional Love. Through each and every up and down that Motherhood presents, Unconditional Love is always the Answer. Each one of us has an opportunity to experience and choose Unconditional Love, whether it's through Motherhood or another human experience, the choice is always presented to us. As Love is truly our center, our essence, our beginning and our end. Love Is All There Is. 


Sunday, November 25, 2018

Reclaiming Thanksgiving

For North American Indigenous People,
Thanksgiving is traditionally our everyday Prayer and 
Celebration of Gratitude for All Our Relations ( for 'every-thing' ).
We Give Thanks continually for All that Is, because it is our Way.
Gratitude is Giving Thanks; it is the Honoring of Reciprocity and
Celebration of Unconditional Love and Forgiveness.
Walking the Way in Gratitude and Love every day,
is Walking the Beauty Path. We can Reclaim Thanksgiving 
and Celebrate in a new way; the Beauty Way. We can celebrate
that We Are Still Here and We Rise Together. We can choose to be 
the living embodiments of Love here on Earth, by simply Being Love and 
Being Loving to each other every day, in all ways, always.
The most radical and political act we can possibly be and do is to 
simply Love.
Being Love and Loving, does not mean we forget the Indigenous
Genocide we have experienced as Indigenous people of North America
AND the World. Being Love and Loving honors All Our Relations, All Our 
Ancestors. Let's Reclaim Thanksgiving by simply Being Love and Loving.
We can choose to celebrate or not, on this American Holiday. We can 
choose a new Way of celebrating or an old one. 
As a woman of Native American descent I choose to celebrate in a 
new Way; by Being Love and Loving, by Praying the traditional 
Thanksgiving Prayer, and by Giving Thanks for All Our Relations.
To All My People, To All Our Relations, I Love You and Pray for you All 
each and every day. I walk the Beauty Way in honor of my ancestors
of this Earth and Beyond the Stars, Moon and Sun.
May We Rise Together in Radical Love, continually reminding 
each other to Love and be Loving.
Love is the Way.

Many Blessings Always, In All Ways

Native Self

Native Self 2009

SEE MORE Click Here

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Self Portraiture

I started taking self portraits in 2008 in Graduate School. At that time I had just turned 30 and was definitely reflecting upon my life in all ways. I began an exploration of my Identity utilizing self portraiture as a way to communicate my thoughts and feelings.
Quickly my self portraits evolved into larger expressions of Identity that went beyond myself. I explore notions of ethnicity, gender, culture, and social constructions of race connected to my personal experiences.
My Self Portraits ask questions; they don’t give answers. As a Feminist artist, I continue to explore my Identity with my all my art, and I’m still asking questions.

Hard Light 2008

Hard Light 2008

SEE MORE Click Here

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Beauty and Bling Series 2009

‘Beauty and Bling’  

The Barbie Doll Sets are photographs of various ‘Ethnic’ Barbie Dolls adapting or attempting to adapt to ‘Barbie Dolls’ Caucasian Eurocentric ‘world’. I also include photographs of Barbie Doll critiquing herself in her world. The Barbie Doll Sets are staged scenes where I create parodies and satires that critique stereotypical Barbie Doll beauty and Caucasian, European standards of beauty.
The Grillz Self Portraits are personas that rebel yet slightly conform with popular culture’s stereotypical beauty ideals. The Self Portrait’s personas loosely emulate the various Barbie Dolls’ ethnicities represented in the Barbie doll Set photographs. The Grillz Self Portraits confront beauty ideals, gender boundaries, various identities and social constructions of race.
Grillz represent pride in many cultures and in Hip-Hop culture; they represent the “flash of spirit”, (Flash of the Spirit : African & Afro-American Art and Philosophy by Robert Farris Thompson) self worth, and rebellion. Typically Grillz are worn by men who are often emphasizing their ‘machismo’. A woman wearing Grillz flips the gender construction associated with Grillz from masculine to feminine. Now the woman wearing  the Grillz flashes Her spirit, Her pride, Her self worth, and Her bling.
Both Grillz Self Portraits and Barbie Doll Sets critique notions of plasticity, beauty, identity, and race.
***Joan Morgan talks about hip-hop, gender and race in her book ‘When Chickenheads Come Home to Roost : A Hip-Hop Feminist Breaks It Down’.
Morgan states on page 80, “ I believe hip-hop can help us win. Let’s start by recognizing that its illuminating, informative narration and its incredible ability to articulate our collective pain is an invaluable tool when examining gender relations. The information we amass can help create a redemptive, healing space for brothas and sistas.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018



LACDA Group Exhibition September 2013
Dress Up Series 2013
digital photography


'who's next'




LACDA Top 40 Group Exhibition December 2013
Details Series 2014/15
digital photography

'meet me'

LACDA Snap to Grid Group Exhibition 2013
Toxic Beauty Series 2008/2013
digital photography